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Culture Assignment

The United States is a culturally diverse country and we as nurses must be prepared to be advocates for all patients suffering from a mental illness no matter what culture they may be a member of. Mental illness is not a respecter of any culture or social standing. While in lecture we discuss the framework of mental health nursing that is largely grounded in western cultural ideas and theories. A large part of the world and the population of the USA have roots in very different traditions. Your assignment is to draft a letter that could be sent to a newspaper editorial section advocating for the ethical treatment of mentally ill citizens from a specific culture other than your own. Include statements about how this cultures view of mental illness differs from the norm in the USA, explain how treatment options might need to be altered to provide the best care for these people. In the body of your letter include how the current mental health system might be failing this culture and offer solutions. Mention how these people would view mental illness in their native countries. This assignment is to be completed in APA format, the body of the letter should be 1 ½ to 2 pages long, not counting reference page. Two references other than your text book must be included. Your topic needs to be approved by the instructor prior to you starting the project. Post your letter on Blackboard by 1(10-3-12) and 2(12-5-12) . Comment on at least two of your peers’ posts by 1(10-5-12) and 2(12-7-12) at midnight. Your comments should be insightful and meaningful about the culture differences described. Comments such as “good job” are not adequate. This assignment is worth 25 points.
Culture Assignment Rubric
Student Name___________________________Date___________________
1. ______(4 pts) Explore the cultural aspects of your chosen culture
2. ______(3 pts) one full page
3. ______(5 pts) explore how this culture might face difficulty receiving adequate mental health treatment in the US
4. ______(5 pts) Identify how your chosen culture would likely deal with a suicidal patient, what special challenges this might pose for mental health care givers/ nurses
5. ______(4 pts) Insightful response to at least two peers posts, more than just “good job”
6. ______(4 pts) 2 references other than a psychiatric textbook in APA Format, cited in body of letter.

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Culture Assignment

Culture Assignment
For this assignment, please read three short articles:
1 – 20 ways Zappos reinforces its company culture
2 – Tony Hsieh’s office
3 – Zappos says goodbye to bosses

Once you’ve read these three articles, please answer the following question:
Using course theories (I uploaded 4 course material), please analyze the influence of Zappos’ new structure of holacracy and how it will affect organizational culture. Will this positively influence culture or not? Take a stand. Describe why.
Culture assignment
Culture assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
Use of course concepts Excellent choice of- and use of course concepts
14 pts Strong choice and use of course concepts.
11 pts Good use of course concepts, but concepts chosen were not the best choice given the Zappos case
7 pts Use- or choice- of course concepts could have been better
4 pts No Marks
0 pts
14 pts
Analysis Persuaive and insighful analysis
12 pts Robust analysis that hit most of the right notes but could have been helped by more details, or in some cases, less detail
10 pts Moderately good analysis, that made a couple of good points.
6 pts Analysis could have been better.
4 pts No Marks
0 pts
12 pts
Professional appearance Professional presentation and writing
4 pts Well presented and written
3 pts Writing was mostly clear but I would have liked to see stronger editing
2 pts Writing or presentation needed work
1 pts No Marks
0 pts
4 pts
Total Points: 30

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Culture Assignment

Culture Assignment
For this assignment, please read three short articles:
1 – 20 ways Zappos reinforces its company culture
2 – Tony Hsieh’s office
3 – Zappos says goodbye to bosses

Once you’ve read these three articles, please answer the following question:
Using course theories (I uploaded 4 course material), please analyze the influence of Zappos’ new structure of holacracy and how it will affect organizational culture. Will this positively influence culture or not? Take a stand. Describe why.
Culture assignment
Culture assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
Use of course concepts Excellent choice of- and use of course concepts
14 pts Strong choice and use of course concepts.
11 pts Good use of course concepts, but concepts chosen were not the best choice given the Zappos case
7 pts Use- or choice- of course concepts could have been better
4 pts No Marks
0 pts
14 pts
Analysis Persuaive and insighful analysis
12 pts Robust analysis that hit most of the right notes but could have been helped by more details, or in some cases, less detail
10 pts Moderately good analysis, that made a couple of good points.
6 pts Analysis could have been better.
4 pts No Marks
0 pts
12 pts
Professional appearance Professional presentation and writing
4 pts Well presented and written
3 pts Writing was mostly clear but I would have liked to see stronger editing
2 pts Writing or presentation needed work
1 pts No Marks
0 pts
4 pts
Total Points: 30

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